What is DekkoDrive?
DekkoDrive is a Windows application (other platforms coming in 2025) that automatically encrypts, decrypts and synchronises your DekkoSecure files with a local, attached or networked storage device on your computer. When running, the application appears as a “drive” in your file explorer.
Because DekkoDrive runs directly on your operating system (rather than in a web browser) it is able to maximise your device’s hardware performance and network connectivity, meaning it introduces dramatic increases to file upload and download compared to the DekkoSecure web application.

DekkoDrive is a constantly evolving application and new features will be introduced during the first half of 2025. At present the application is focussed on synchronisation (upload and download) to support large-volume uploads that would typically exceed the performance envelope of the DekkoSecure web application (e.g., 1000+ simultaneous file uploads, files over ~200GB).
Files synchronised using DekkoDrive are downloaded and stored on your device (or attached storage). If you manage material that would not normally download or access locally, the use of DekkoDrive is not recommended.
What DekkoDrive can do
- Display Hubs that you are a member of as root folders in the DekkoDrive Windows Explorer interface
- Display folders and any content that you have access to
- Upload files to folders where you have permission
- Sync (download) your files (including files that you upload using the DekkoSecure web app)
- Sync (download) content that has been shared with you
- Automatically share files/folders that are uploaded to shared folders
- Attach local or network devices for storage
What DekkoDrive can’t do
- Administrative activities (invites, user management, creating Hubs, Tenancy management)
- Non-file sharing functionality (Mail, Chat, eSignature workflow, Meetings)
- Profile management activities (password reset, setting up signature, etc.)
- Sharing configuration and management (sharing management is performed using the web app)
Other things to know
- Files deleted using the DekkoSecure web application will be moved from DekkoDrive to your recycle bin
Preparation for DekkoDrive
DekkoDrive is currently supported for DekkoSecure users that are registered on DekkoSecure-CA (ca.dekko.io), DekkoSecure-US (us.dekko.io) and DekkoSecure-CH (ch.dekko.io). The application is installed by running an executable file that we will send to you which will update automatically after it has been set up. If you work in a highly secure environment you may need to request permission from your employer’s IT department to install DekkoDrive and implement the requisite network allowlist:
Installing DekkoDrive
- Download the DekkoDrive installer (note the region prefix - CA, US or CH) and run it.
- Choose your local, attached or networked storage path* using the […] button and enter your DekkoSecure user credentials.
Make sure your chosen storage path has sufficient storage before initialising any data synchronisation.

* Note: Choosing C:\ will create a “DekkoDrive folder in your user directory. Choosing any other drive will create a DekkoDrive folder at the drive’s root directory.
- Wait for your current files to sync. Synchronisation progress can be reviewed by left-clicking on the DekkoDrive icon in your system tray. To force a synchronise of all pending downloads right-click on the DekkoDrive icon in your system tray and then Full sync.

Using DekkoDrive
DekkoDrive Hub and folder structure
Folders listed in the ‘root’ of DekkoDrive (the list of folders displayed when you click on DEKKO in your Windows Explorer left navigation panel) represent the Hubs that you are a member of.

Best practices for using DekkoDrive
Choosing the storage path
DekkoDrive supports the selection of a storage device for synchronised data. Regardless of where or what you choose, it is important to make sure that location has sufficient free space to hold the full capacity of the data associated with your DekkoSecure account.
There are a few questions you should consider when making a storage path selection, especially when using a network storage device (NAS):
- Does it have enough free space?
- Is it scalable?
- How reliable is it?
- Who has access to it?
- Are there any planned maintenance periods or hardware replacements?
- What is the performance of the drive(s) and network?
Sharing files and folders
The current capability of DekkoDrive does not include the orchestration of sharing and sharing configuration. To facilitate sharing via DekkoDrive, the recommended steps are:
- Create a folder using the DekkoSecure web application and share it with the appropriate permissions.
- Wait for the folder to appear in DekkoDrive, open it, and then place any files or folders that need to be shared in there.
After the content has finished uploading it will automatically be shared using inherited permissions from the parent folder. You can update the sharing configuration of the parent folder or contained content at any time using the DekkoSecure web application.
Open the DekkoDrive folder location
Right-click on the DekkoDrive icon in your system tray and then View Drive.

The DekkoDrive installer automatically creates a pinned shortcut to your DekkoDrive folder:

You can also pin specific Hubs (folders) or Hub sub-folders to quick access:

Force synchronisation
The DekkoDrive application automatically checks for new files to synchronise at least every 5 minutes. To force a synchronise of all pending uploads and downloads right-click on the DekkoDrive icon in your system tray and then Full sync.

Checking synchronisation status
Left-clicking the DekkoDrive icon in your system tray displays the synchronisation log.
All content synchronised: The green 🔄 icon indicates that all files associated with your DekkoSecure account (owned by you or shared with you) are present in DekkoDrive.

Pending uploads: The blue 🔃 icon indicates that uploads and/or downloads are currently in progress

Pending downloads: The yellow ⚠️ icon indicates that DekkoDrive has detected files that require synchronisation (either upload or download). Right-click on the DekkoDrive icon in your system tray and then Full sync to force synchronisation.

Updating DekkoDrive
The DekkoDrive application will automatically check for updates and notify you when one is available:

If you miss this notification, right-click on the DekkoDrive icon in your system tray and then Update. After you open the update panel you will be prompted to confirm the installation - click Yes. The update window will indicate progress (download, extraction, initialisation and installation). If the Update option is not present in the right-click menu this indicates that the update is complete.
Closing the application
To log out of DekkoDrive right-click on the DekkoDrive icon in your system tray and then Logout or Exit.

To relaunch the app search for Dekko or DekkoDrive in the start menu, then clock open. Make sure the selected result says App under the icon.

Uninstalling DekkoDrive
Download and run the installer file. Any files removed from your device during uninstallation will not be removed from your DekkoSecure account.
Synchronising folders from other locations in your system
If you already have lots of data that you need to sync using DekkoDrive and you don’t want to copy it to/from the DekkoDrive storage path, you can link existing data to a folder using Directory Symbolic Links. This is an effective way to save space because it reduces data duplicaiton.
Setting up symbolic links can map any file or folder (on any drive, including networked drives) to a location in DekkoDrive. Example:

Defining Directory Symbolic Links is done using Command Prompt. If you are unfamiliar with using Command Prompt or you do not have permission to use it on your device, attempting to follow the steps described below is not recommended.
Directory Symbolic Links are established using the mklink command. The conventions are:
Linking folders
- Identify the folder you want to link (hint: you can right click the folder and then Copy as path).
- Identify the target folder in DekkoDrive (again, you can Copy as path).
- Open Command Prompt.
- Enter you mklink command, for example:
mklink /D "C:\Users\john\DekkoDrive\Client 2\Project 4" "D:\Documents"
This example links the Documents folder on the D: drive to the Project 4 folder in DekkoDrive (which is on the C: drive).
- Press enter. If the paths are successfully linked, you will see a confirmation message in this format:
symbolic link created for DEKKODRIVE PATH <<===>> LINKED PATH
Check the DekkoDrive path - you should see your linked folder, with a special folder icon indicating the link. Example:

- Right-click on the DekkoDrive icon in your system tray and then Full sync, then left-click the icon to check synchronisation status.
- When the files are marked as synced, log in to the DekkoSecure web application and check that the files are presented as expected.
Linking files
- Identify the file you want to link (hint: you can right click the file and then Copy as path).
- Identify the target folder in DekkoDrive (again, you can Copy as path).
- Open Command Prompt.
- Enter you mklink command, for example:
mklink "C:\Users\john\DekkoDrive\Client 2\Project 4\drone-video.mp4" "D:\drone-video.mp4"
This example links the drone-video.mp4 file on the D: drive to the Project 4 folder in DekkoDrive (which is on the C: drive).
- Press enter. If the paths are successfully linked, you will see a confirmation message in this format:
symbolic link created for DEKKODRIVE PATH <<===>> LINKED FILE
Check the DekkoDrive path - you should see your linked file with a special file icon indicating the link, as well as .symlink in the Type column. Example:

- Right-click on the DekkoDrive icon in your system tray and then Full sync, then left-click the icon to check synchronisation status.
- When the file are marked as synced, log in to the DekkoSecure web application and check that the files are presented as expected.
Other queries and activities
Changing accounts and storage paths
If you need to change your account or storage path, please reinstall the app. This is necessary for cleaning up old files.
Synchronisation time and performance
While DekkoDrive is capable of higher upload and download speeds that the web application, it is still reliant on your computer’s network performance of synchronisation speed. If you need to sync high files or folders we recommend doing this on the best network available to you.