Creating Hubs
Hubs are created by opening the Hub navigation dropdown at the top of the interface and selecting Create a new Hub. If the Create a new Hub button is disabled, this means that you are restricted from hub creation via a your organisation’s tenancy policies.

Users who are a member of multiple Tenancies are able to allocate the Hub to one those Tenancies. It is not possible to create a Hub that is not assigned to a Tenancy. In the above example Project Bluebook is being assigned to the NZ2 Tenancy.
If you need to copy members (or a subset of members) from another Hub, tick the import from option. Choose a Hub, and a full listing of the users in that Hub will appear for copying to the new one. Users are grouped by their domain. Team member users are presented in bold; all others are External.
Hub Policies
Hub policies are an (optionally) stricter set of rules that are independent of Tenancy policies. For example, if a Tenancy disables Mail for all Hubs, a Hub can be set to individually also disable Chat or Meetings functionality. Hub policies are set at the time of Hub creation and updated via the Hub settings menu - press settings, select the Hut settings tab, select the Hub from the dropdown, then choose the branding menu. Update the policy and then press save.
You must be a Hub administrator to update Hub policies.

Feature availability
Mail, Chat and Meetings functionality can be disabled so that they are hidden from the DekkoSecure application interface when the Hub is selected. This will prevent the features use such that no Mail or Chat content can be originated from the Hub. File sharing, Document editing and Approvals functionality cannot be disabled via Hub policies.
Restrict External Upload
To restrict users with the External member type from uploading files at the root of the Hub (i.e., outside of folders shard with them), enable the policy. Note – your externals must be given upload + download permission on folders shared with them so that they can upload files.
Manage users
Hub administrator
Press Settings in the left navigation bar (1), check the Hub settings tab is selected (2), select the Hub from the dropdown (3) and then select the User management tab (4):

If you can’t see the User management tab, this means you are not an administrator of the selected Hub. in the Settings menu.
Tenancy Manager
Tenant admins can manage users’ Hub memberships and roles from a single menu in the Tenancy Manager, with the ability to add a user to a Hub even if the Tenant admin is not a member of said Hub. To access the membership control menu, open the [⋯] button in the user’s entry on the user management page, then manage Hub memberships: